3.19~29 열흘간 차니베어 x 원모어백 단독 팝업스토어가 진행됩니다.chanibear x onemorebag POP-UP STORE! (click the image!) 귀여운 포토존과 다양한 차니베어 상품들, 그리고 이번 팝업스토어에서만 만나보실 수 있는 상품들까지!원모어백 온/오프라인 동시 진행으로 만나보세요! (팝업 제품 관련 재고 및 구매 문의는 원모어백 측으로 부탁드립니다.)인스타그램 (@원모어백)onemorebag.kr/ international shipping > en.onemorebag.kr/The Chanibear pop-up store is open from March 19th to 29th. (19th 12pm KST)Onemorebag will be supporting overseas shipping during the event.(EMS, check the details on the onemorebag wesite)🧸🎁 Thankfully, a lot of people from all over the world have been sending inquiries on overseas shipment!We don't ship overseas on our own, so I highly recommend those of you that need international shipping to come and have a visit to the event. THX💜 THANKS TO HYUNBIN, JUNG-A.